Saturday, 29 March 2025
Feedback Survey – Take Part In MyGabe’s Customer Survey And Win $100 Gift Card

Gabe Survey Logo |

An Overview on Gabe’s:

Gabe’s Store is a privately owned fashion retailer and fashion accessories provider company in the United States of America. The company was started in the year 1961 as the Marah Brothers. The founders of this company were Arthur Gabriel and Jamarah Gabriel. According to the last survey the company is providing services in all over the Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, South Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Maryland, and Kentucky with more than 100 stores. They are offering footwear, clothing, fashion accessories, and housewares. The same survey is also showing that the company has appointed more than 6000 employees to provide you the best service. The headquarter of this company is situated in Morgantown, West Virginia, United States.

About MyGabes Feedback Satisfaction Survey:

  • The company is providing new services it has been more than 55 years now. So the authority of this company has decided to arrange an online customer satisfaction survey. With the survey, the company will try to figure out
  • If the people are liking their provided services or not
  • The demands of the regular customers of the company
  • The satisfaction level of the customers of the company according to their provided services.
  • With your valuable opinion, the company will try to match your expectations and it will also help to create an online marketing platform.

About the Rewards:

  • When you are participating in the online customer satisfaction survey of this company you have to spend some of your important time helping the company. In return for your valuable time and opinion, the company will arrange a customer satisfaction survey sweepstakes procedure. Every valid entrant of this survey will get the chance of participating in the sweepstakes at the end of completing the survey. It will be a weekly sweepstakes procedure through which the lucky winners will get a discount coupon worth $100 from the company.

Gabe’s Customer Satisfaction Survey Rules and Protocols:

  • To participate in the MyGabes customer satisfaction survey arranged by this company you have to follow some of the basic rules.
  • The interested entrant of the survey must be a legal resident of the United States of America.
  • The age group criteria are a minimum of 18 years.
  • You must have a recent receipt of this company to enter into the customer satisfaction survey and the sweepstakes procedure.
  • The people with proper knowledge of the English language can participate in the survey procedure.
  • The people who are connected with this company including the officers, representatives, employees, advertisement partners, directors, owners, and the direct family members of the associate people are requested to avoid this survey procedure to maintain authenticity.
  • Any kind of illegal activities with the online portal will be not encouraged by the company authority.

MyGabes Customer Satisfaction Survey Completing Procedure:

  • This company is offering you two different ways of participating in the survey and the sweepstakes.

Online procedure:

  • To participate in the online procedure in this survey you need to visit the official survey portal of this company by using a strong internet connection and this link address

MyGabes Survey

  • After that, you need to use the receipt of this company you have got on your last visit.
  • Then you need to share the date of your last purchase from this company
  • The number of the store you have visited last time
  • Your customer registration number
  • And the transaction number
  • If you are facing any difficulty to figure out the needed information you can also take the help of the sample receipt image given on the portal.
  • After that, you need to press the button “submit” and follow the rest of the procedure of completing the survey to participate in the sweepstakes.

Mail-in procedure:

  • You can also participate in the MyGabes survey through the mailing procedure.
  • You just need to take a blank paper of 3″×5″ size.
  • After that you need to write down your complete name
  • Complete residential mailing address
  • Your official age
  • A valid phone number
  • And your email address
  • Now you need to put the paper in a business-size envelope.
  • After that you need to send it in this particular address  Gabe’s Santa Spinner Game, 1189 Lancaster Ave Suite 213, Berwyn, PA 19312
  • Your mail should be received by the ending date of the survey. Otherwise, you are mail will be not valid.
  • You will get the result in the same way you have participated in the survey and the sweepstakes procedure.

Read More : Oakley Feedback and Earn Gift Easily

Contact Details:

  • To get any other details about this particular company you make call them by using this number tel: 1.800.458.6546
  • The official fax number of this company is 304-292-0871
  • And the official address of this company is 55 Scott Ave Morgantown, WV 26508 USA


Saikat Das

About Author

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